The Tuesday/Thursday Ross Emerson League is open to men who reach their 60th birthday in the year they participate. The league follows the rules of USA Softball with the following modifications. The following modifications are designed to create an enjoyable and meaningful, emphasizing the health and safety of all participants.
Rules for the Ross Emerson League
The Tuesday/Thursday Ross Emerson League is open to men who reach their 60th birthday in the year they participate. The league follows the rules of USA Softball with the following modifications. The following modifications are designed to create an enjoyable and meaningful, emphasizing the health and safety of all participants.
1. In order for a game to begin, teams must have at least nine players who are present and ready to play. Teams with less than the mandatory minimum of nine players will forfeit the game to the opponent. If a team has only nine players available at game time, it can borrow two players from the opponent for defensive purposes only. One of those players will be a catcher (not just a retriever) and the other an outfielder.
If a team has only ten players available at game time, it may choose to borrow a player from the opponent for defensive purposes only. Said player will be a catcher (not just a retriever). Player selection is at the absolute discretion of the team providing said borrowed player(s).
2. Batting ends for a team in an inning when it has caused three outs or scored five runs, whichever occurs first.
3. All players in the lineup must bat unless a player sustains an injury or health issue that prevents the player from batting.
4. During the last inning of the game, both teams will be permitted unlimited scoring.
5. Each batter will begin with one ball and one strike count and be permitted one courtesy foul with a two-strike count. A second foul with two strikes results in the batter being called out on strikes.
6. If for any reason, the game is without an umpire, the game will begin or continue with team members or spectators serving as umpires. This process is with the consent of both managers.
7. All games are scheduled for seven innings. However, games become official after five completed innings, or four and one-half innings if the home team is leading. Only one inning may begin after 12:00 noon for games beginning at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 for games beginning at 10:00 a.m.
8. The mercy rule will be implemented when a team is behind by 12 or more runs after batting in the fifth inning or any subsequent inning.
9. Regardless of the score, with the approval of both managers, umpires may allow the team behind in the score to bat twice consecutively in the sixth inning. The team ahead in the score, however, does not forfeit their remaining at-bats should they fall behind in the score.
10. There will be a continuous batting order in game two of a doubleheader. The player following the last batted out of game one will be the first batter in game two.
11. All postponed games will be rescheduled in the order they were postponed.
12. The team standings will be determined by a point system with two points awarded for a win and one point for a tie.
13. Use of the pitching screen is mandatory during batting practice and games. A batted ball, untouched by a defensive player, contacting any part of the pitching screen causes the ball to immediately become dead and declared a foul ball. A live ball thrown by a fielder that strikes the pitching screen remains live and in play.
14. To be age-eligible, players must reach the minimum age of 60 by December 31st of the year in which they are participating.
15. Any male player who reaches his 75th birthday in the year calendar year in which he participates may use a senior bat. All other players are limited to a single wall alloy bat or composite bat marked BPF (bat performance factor) 1.20 certified by ASA or USSSA
16. Sliding is permitted at any base with the exception of home plate.
17. A courtesy runner from home plate, with both feet behind the restraining line, shall not advance beyond first base on a batted ball unless the batted ball is hit over the fence and declared a home run. The courtesy runner may not advance on any play at first base in an attempt to throw the courtesy runner out. That also pertains to a ball thrown out of play as a result of a play to throw the courtesy runner out at the first base. However, if a fielder attempts to make a play on a runner advancing to another base, the courtesy runner is not limited to first base as there was no initial attempt to make a play on the courtesy runner.
18. A player can serve as a courtesy runner once per inning. A batter who mistakenly runs toward first base will not be ruled out unless the umpire, in his/her sole discretion, determines that there was interference or excessive confusion when making a play on the courtesy runner. In this instance, the batter is declared out and base runners may not advance.
19. Each player will participate as a fielder in half of the innings of each game.
20. The use of courtesy runners for the purpose of enhancing a team’s base running capability is discouraged Once a courtesy runner is appointed for a batter or runner, that runner may not be replaced unless injured.
21. If the game is tied after seven innings in game one of a doubleheader, an additional inning will begin with the player committing the last batted out as a runner at second base. If that batter had a courtesy runner, that runner will take the place of the batter. However, if that courtesy runner is next to bat, the player who preceded the last batted out will begin the inning at second base. If the score is still tied at the end of eight innings, the game will be ruled a tie. If time is a factor, there will be no additional innings played in game two.
22. A batter cannot be thrown out at first base, by either an infielder or outfielder, after a batted ball reaches the outfield grass. The batter can be thrown out at first base by an infielder if the ball is touched by an infielder before it touches the outfield grass.
23. The Maximum number of defensive players per team is 11. If there are 11 players in the field, a team must have five infielders positioned in the infield area (not touching the outfield grass) until the batter makes contact with the ball, and a team must have four outfielders positioned behind the outfield 160 FT. mark until the batter makes contact with the ball.
24. Distance between bases is 65 feet.
25. Plays at home plate. A base runner, who touches or crosses the commitment line between third base and home plate, may not return to third base. If that base runner retreats across the commitment line to return to third base, the runner will be ruled out, and the ball will remain live. All plays at home plate will be ruled a force out if the fielder with the ball makes contact with the strike mat. no tag is permitted.
26. Any player using profanity or displaying unsporting behavior may be immediately ejected by the umpire and may be suspended from the next game.
2022 Points of Emphasis
Our goal is to complete 2 seven-inning games this spring. The cooperation of the managers and each player is greatly appreciated in reaching this objective. Rules modifications are added to make our games more enjoyable and relevant for everyone. We take our rules seriously, especially those rules involving risk management. Screen rules must be strictly adhered to. Read More