Montgomery County Senior Sports Association
Indoor Pickleball
Random Partner Doubles Tournament
Saturday, March 4, 2023, 1:00-4:00 pm
Montgomery TennisPlex (Bubble B – 8 courts)
18110 Central Park Circle
Boyds, MD 20841
- Seniors 55 years young and older
- Division 1 Advanced Beginners (Up to 2.5 – 3.5 skill rating – limit 16 players)
- Division 2 Intermediate (3.5 and Above skill rating – limit 16 players).
- New doubles pairings each round of games – randomly selected using PB Play App.
- Each player will play a minimum of 7 doubles games – the first team to 15 points (or points at the end of 12 minutes per round).
- Rally scoring
- Points earned by each player – winning or losing – are recorded for each game.
- All Players Advance to Medal Single Elimination Bracket (Single Games to 21 – straight).
- Quarter Finals, Semi-finals, and Finals – Quarter Finals paired and seeded by total points earned (1st and 2nd total point earners – seeded first and play 15th and 16th total point earners in quarter-finals, etc.)
- Note: Players not in the top 8 players advancing to the Semi-finals and Finals may continue to play pick-up games until 4 pm.
- Medals awarded for the top 4 teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th)
Registration Fee $50
minimum donation per player.
Donations are encouraged to benefit the
American Breast Cancer Foundation.
Payable at time of signup.

Registration Fee $50
minimum donation per player.
Donations are encouraged to benefit the
American Breast Cancer Foundation.
Payable at time of signup.